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Our Policies

We welcome clients of all ages and ethnic backgrounds.  We recognise that we have a fundamental duty of care to all of these people especially those living away from home and without their normal support networks. We also recognise the additional duty of care for all under 18s. This safeguarding policy represents our belief that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and it is the responsibility of all adults in contact with young people to safeguard their welfare.

We work to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare at work of all staff, students and others who may be affected by its activities. This policy is implemented and continually reviewed in all premises owned or controlled by the school, and is applicable to all staff and visitors at our site.

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our clients, so that they can feel secure and enjoy their learning.

We also do not tolerate bullying or abusive behaviour in any form.

We are committed to ensuring the welfare of all our students and staff and we do not tolerate discrimination of any kind.

We regard providing a quality service to our users as an essential to the future of English in Totnes. Not only do we want to maintain the very highest customer service, but we also want to improve it wherever possible.

Our Emergency Action Plan is intended to assist partners, students, parents and staff to understand what we will do during an emergency situation if either the Gate House is closed due to unexpected or unplanned circumstances.

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Please be climate aware and offset your flight by, for example, planting trees. Or travel by train (or other public transport) for a 10% discount on your course- discount refunded on presentation of your tickets on arrival at the school. Not applicable to pre-booked groups.

© 2020 English in Totnes

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